Why I Quit Duolingo—Even Though I Loved It

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We use various tools in our daily lives to make everyday tasks easier. Reminders, tracking apps, and learning apps are all designed to enhance our comfort and convenience. Duolingo is one such tool—an intuitive language-learning app best known for its green owl, who offers motivating (and sometimes humorously passive-aggressive) advice.

There’s nothing wrong with Duolingo; quite the opposite, in fact. It’s beautifully designed, intuitive, motivating, and fun. The app is crafted with the best intentions, making learning accessible to everyone. (There’s even a great podcast about it!)

So, why did I delete the app?

Was it because of too much time on my phone? Yes and no. While I am always trying to reduce screen time, the truth is that 10 minutes of Duolingo wasn’t the main issue with my phone usage.

Learning with Intention

Having started using Duolingo in 2018, I loved the idea of learning on the fly—studying for a few minutes while waiting for a train or in a doctor’s office. Similarly, I built other habits: meditating and practicing yoga for a few minutes each day, reading, and drawing. However, at some point, I realized that my mornings and evenings were filled with rushing around, trying to check off these small daily habits. It occurred to me that I didn’t want to just go through the motions. I wanted to make actual progress and be intentional, consciously setting aside time to give each activity my full attention.

For me, this meant not doing four things for a few minutes each but dedicating an hour to one thing. I wanted to give my brain the space to focus, get absorbed, and fully take in the information.

In our everyday lives, we’re bombarded with small bits of information, most of which we don’t intend to remember. I didn’t want the skills I value to become just another piece of clutter filling up my day. Now, if I have to wait, I simply enjoy the moment of stillness. I look around, watch the birds, and just be. And when I have an hour to study or practice, I use it fully and immerse myself in the experience.