“Civil War” (2024): What is the movie about? What can we learn from it?

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My most recent watch “Civil War” – my key take aways and personal insights.

It’s a movie about a civil war in the US. About a team of war journalists who witness the most horrible things humans are capable of to show the world what is happening. It also follows the journey of a young girl, Jessie, aspiring to become a war journalist. She follows her hero, Lee, and her team on her first assignment as a war journalist.

In short, it is a story about a girl who wants to learn from her hero, but ultimately gets her killed and takes her place.

Jessie is portrayed as a highly ambitious and brave young girls who as one goal: becoming a war journalist. Initially, she struggles with insecurity about her work and admires Lee for her expertise and strong character. Lee mentors her, providing encouragement, guidance, and instilling confidence in Jessie’s abilities.

And then things take a turn.

Lee, the experienced war journalist, loses faith in her work and succumbs to fear amidst the violence she witnesses. It’s at this critical juncture that Jessie finds her courage, shedding all fear and becoming the person she aspired to be. Tragically, this transformation leads to Lee sacrificing herself to protect Jessie, marking the moment when Jessie becomes her own hero. Despite unintentionally causing Lee’s death, Jessie grows beyond her mentor, embodying the heroism Lee taught her and ultimately becoming her.

What can “Civil War” teach us?

While many of us may not aspire to be war journalists or encounter such extreme situations, we all harbor dreams and admire heroes. For me, that’s the essence of the story. It’s not primarily about the war, but about a person chasing their dreams. 

Achieving your dreams is rarely easy. Regardless of what you aspire to, setbacks, tough times, and moments of despair are inevitable. That’s why having role models and heroes is so significant. They offer us motivation beyond our individual struggles to keep moving forward.

Yet, there comes a time when you may need to release your attachment to your hero.

When they no longer represent who you are or aspire to be. Holding onto your hero might hinder your personal growth. It could be time to let them go and become your own hero. It’s about shedding the training wheels and discovering purpose and strength within yourself. This might be the final step you need to take towards realizing your true potential.