Category: Insights

  • Why I Quit Duolingo—Even Though I Loved It

    Why I Quit Duolingo—Even Though I Loved It

    We use various tools in our daily lives to make everyday tasks easier. Reminders, tracking apps, and learning apps are all designed to enhance our comfort and convenience. Duolingo is one such tool—an intuitive language-learning app best known for its green owl, who offers motivating (and sometimes humorously passive-aggressive) advice. There’s nothing wrong with Duolingo;… Read more

  • Little Anchors of Happiness

    Little Anchors of Happiness

    Being happy is a choice. It’s a sentence that genuinely resonates with me when I am happy and seems utterly provocative when I am in a bad mood.  But I understood that in the end it doesn’t matter if it is true or not, but if believing it serves you. And on my search for… Read more